"Quando todos os cálculos complicados se revelam falsos, quando os próprios filósofos não têm nada mais a dizer-nos, é desculpável que nos voltemos para a chilreada fortuita dos pássaros ou para o longínquo contrapeso dos astros ou para o sorriso das vacas."
Marguerite Yourcenar, Memórias de Adriano (revista e acrescentada por Carlos C., segundo Aníbal C. S.)

domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2018

Ring out solstice bells

Now is the solstice of the year,

winter is the glad song that you hear.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Have the lads up ready in a line.

Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.

Ring solstice bells.

Join together beneath the mistletoe.
by the holy oak whereon it grows.
Seven druids dance in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.

Ring out these bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.

Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.

Praise be to the distant sister sun,
joyful as the silver planets run.
Seven maids move in seven time.
Sing the song the bells call, loudly chiming.

Ring out those bells.
Ring out, ring solstice bells.
Ring solstice bells.
Ring on, ring out.
Ring on, ring out. 
Ring on, ring out. 
Ring on, ring out.
Ring on, ring out.

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